
Hi, Everyone!

Grandma and Grandpa’s niece Bev is visiting us this weekend.  It is fun to get to know another member of the family!  We picked her up at the airport and came right out to Sodus.

The first morning, it was very windy and cloudy.  Grandma could see spray from big waves breaking on the lighthouse pier all the way from our dock, so we took Bev up to the beach to see them. Continue reading “Ratatouille!”

More Cruise Stories

Hi, Everyone!

The past two days we’ve continued cruising on the Main river.  “Main” comes from a Celtic word meaning “snake”, because the river curves around so much.

Yesterday, Grandma and Grandpa took me on a walk in Wuerzburg in the morning.  We went to the “new” residence of the prince-bishops, built in the 1700s. Continue reading “More Cruise Stories”

Cruising Down the River

Hi, everyone!

Now I am on a big river boat cruising on the Main-Danube canal and the Main river in Germany.  The Amacello is as big as a hotel.  Their gangplank even has a red carpet on it to make me feel welcome, although the first step was a big one for a little lion.  Everybody is very nice and I am making lots of friends.  Continue reading “Cruising Down the River”

Thai Basil Pesto

Hi, Everyone!

Grandma and I decided to make pesto out of the  Thai basil Grandma grows.  Thai basil doesn’t smell or taste quite like regular basil, so we needed to find special ingredients to go with the special taste.  Grandma took me to F. Oliver’s oil and vinegar shop in Canandaigua so we could find just the right kind of oil to use.  Continue reading “Thai Basil Pesto”

Sunday in New York

Hi, Everyone!

I’m back in New York, having an at-home adventure with Grandma and Grandpa.  The first day I got back, Grandma baked my favorite sticky buns for breakfast.  Yum!  Yum!  Then I helped Taylor and Danny do a jigsaw puzzle.  That was hard work, so I had to take a nap.  After dinner, Grandma and Grandpa took me to the lighthouse to watch the sunset.

