Holidays and Friends

Hi, everyone!
We had a little bit of snow for one day just before Thanksgiving, but it melted right away! Since then, the weather has been very warm for this time of year. Yesterday it was 50 degrees F. during the day and it might be even warmer next Saturday!

This time of year there are lots of holidays and gatherings with friends and remembering times. On Thanksgiving, Grandma and Grandpa and I had dinner with Joe-san and Nancy-san and Moose-san and Tilly. I helped Grandma make the apple pie we always bring. We had enough apples off our own trees in Fairport to make three pies, so we took one of those. Our Golden Delicious apples make especially yummy pies! This was Tilly’s first Thanksgiving with us, so she didn’t know what to expect. We liked all the food: from Joe-san’s pumpkin ravioli appetizer right through to the apple pie and Nancy-san’s traditional steamed plum pudding! Continue reading “Holidays and Friends”

More November!

Hi, everyone!
This week it’s been really warm for November! On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, it was sunny and the temperatures were close to 60 degrees F.! That gave Grandma and me a chance to put the lights on the apple trees under really good conditions! There were still some leaves high up on the biggest trees, but none where we wanted to put the lights! I was a good helper. First, we checked all the strings of lights to make sure they lit up, then we took them outside to put on the trees. Now that we have LED bulbs, the lights don’t use as much electric power and the strings can all be plugged together. I helped Grandma put the first two strings together. When we got to the space between the last two apple trees, I made sure the string of lights crossing the space was high enough that nobody would run into it! At the very end of the last string, I helped make the loop to keep the end of the lights where it’s supposed to be. I want to see what design the lights will make when they’re lit, but Grandma says we’ll wait until our special turning on day for that!  Continue reading “More November!”

Election Day Baking!

Hi, everyone!
This week was my big baking adventure at Grandma and Grandpa’s church! Grandma and I have been collecting all the ingredients for weeks. The other thing we did to get ready was to bake, package and freeze the gluten-free scones. Grandma says there’s no way we could keep them from getting wheat flour on them if we tried to bake them at church while all the other bread is being made! I helped put the labels on the packages. Continue reading “Election Day Baking!”

Really Fall Now!

Hi, everyone!
There’s no question now that it’s fall! We even had snow on October 18. It didn’t last, but when I woke up that day there was snow on the benches on the back deck!

Last Sunday was pie making day at Grandma and Grandpa’s church. I made sure I got to go help! Seventy people worked, mostly peeling and slicing apples. I was happy to see some of my apple picking friends again! Moose-san came too! He especially liked the apple peeling machines. We made sure that the apple slices were just the right size to go into the pies!  Continue reading “Really Fall Now!”

Niagara Falls!

Hi, everyone!
We took a trip to Niagara Falls this week! Grandma says that Niagara Falls is one of the most famous places for people from other countries to visit. It’s only 90 miles away, but I hadn’t been there yet! Grandma and Grandpa visited Niagara Falls in 1969 and they don’t recall being there any time since! At Niagara Falls, all the water that drains out of the upper Great Lakes and Lake Erie goes into the Niagara River on the way to Lake Ontario. Continue reading “Niagara Falls!”

Signs of Fall!

Hi, everyone!
Even though the weather has been really nice and warm, I can see signs that fall is coming! The Golden Delicious apples on our tree in Fairport are starting to turn a little bit yellow and the helium balloon that Karin had during her summer visit is running out of lift. Grandma got me up to watch sunrise last Saturday, and it wasn’t nearly as early as it was in June and July! When the sun comes up, it’s farther and farther to the south every day. Continue reading “Signs of Fall!”

Walks with Trees!

Hi, everyone!
The weather last week and through Labor Day was very hot — the hottest days of the summer. Then on Wednesday we finally got some rain and now it feels like fall. On Tuesday, Grandma and I went to another park. Tinker Nature Center is in Henrietta, where Moose-san and Tilly live. We went at lunchtime and there was nobody else there! Continue reading “Walks with Trees!”

Out and About!

Hi, everyone!
There’s a lot to see at Sodus this time of year! The rose mallows and purple loosestrife are in full bloom in the wetlands. Grandma takes me out in the kayak to see them. We’ve had a lot of cloudy sunsets, too, and they are very pretty! And we have a neighborhood eagle! The bald eagle is spending a lot of time sitting on top of a tree at our next door neighbor’s house. We can hear the eagle calling “eek, eek” while it watches for fish to catch.  Continue reading “Out and About!”

Doings and Goings!


Hi, everyone!
There’s been a lot going on the past two weeks! The first week of August, Grandma and I had something special planned for Bill-kun and Karin-chan every day after they got finished at Rochester Museum and Science Center day camp. On Tuesday, we went back to the Strong Museum for forty minutes just before it closed. That was long enough for Bill-kun and Karin-chan to spend the rest of the tokens their daddy had bought them on their last visit and cash out their winnings for prizes. Then we just had enough time to catch the very last carousel ride for the day! Continue reading “Doings and Goings!”