Still Looking for Spring!

Hi, everyone!

I haven’t written for a while because Grandma and Uncle David were having technical problems with my blog. When they fixed it, they decided to give my blog a new look!  I hope you like it!

I thought I’d found spring, and then it snowed, and now I think I’m beginning to find it again!  At least the last snow has mostly melted and my daffodil friends are back!

Continue reading “Still Looking for Spring!”

Looking for Spring!

Hi, everyone!

Before Grandma and Grandpa and I left Maui, we had some time to sit next to the beach and watch the whales. I liked the Hawaii cookies! Just before we left, it started raining! The showers were heavy, but they didn’t last long! On our way to the airport, we had lunch at Haile i’maile General Store. I didn’t get to see my friend Bev-san, the owner, this trip, but I did have a piece of her famous crab pizza! By the time we got to the airport it was sunny again! On the last leg of the trip home, from Chicago to Rochester, it was only sunny above the clouds and I could see lots of snow on the ground!

Continue reading “Looking for Spring!”

On to Maui!

Hi, everyone!

Before Moose-san and I left Kauai, we had more adventures! First, we got some shave ice for Nancy-san, because she had never had it before. The banana, mango and lilikoi syrup was yummy! On Super Bowl Sunday, we took another walk to Shipwreck Beach. We saw the same seal that was napping the week before on Poipu Beach with a sandy face. She had a sandy face again! Then we saw a baby seal on the rocks by Brennecke’s beach, too! Moose-san and I watched the Super Bowl football game. In Hawaii, it was on right after lunch! The next day, it was time to leave Kauai. Our church friends had just arrived in Kauai, so we gave them our leftover groceries! We took a picnic to Akuhini pier, which is right down the road from the airport. Joe-san and Nancy-san and Moose-san took a flight back home, but Grandma and Grandpa and I flew to Maui, instead!

Continue reading “On to Maui!”

Out and About in Kauai!

Hi, everyone!
The newspaper says that Rochester has been having spring weather some days and all the snow is gone. In Kauai, it’s summer! We are eating breakfast on the lanai on sunny mornings and nobody needs a sweater! Moose-san and I have been good helpers making breakfasts with local flavors! After I posted my last blog, Nancy-san helped Moose-san write a comment. I think Moose-san needs to practice his typing! Right after that, Grandma and Grandpa and Joe-san and Nancy-san sat down to plan all the activities we want to do while we’re here. A lot of that involves all the restaurants we want to try! Moose-san and I were good helpers here, too: we wrote down the plans that everybody agreed on.

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Winter WITH Snow – Some Places!

Hi, everyone!

Right after I wrote last time, we did get some snow in Fairport. It was very cold! Grandma said the snow was too dry for me to make a snow beast, so I just looked at it from inside. It was very pretty in the afternoon sunshine! Because it was so cold, Grandpa said it was time to drain the plumbing at Sodus. When it gets really cold, pipes that are full of water can freeze and break! Then when it gets warmer, there’s water all over the place!

Continue reading “Winter WITH Snow – Some Places!”

Winter Without Snow

Hi, everyone!
It’s halfway through January and we have had some cold days, but we don’t have any snow! Grandma and Grandpa say they don’t miss cleaning snow off their cars every time they go somewhere, but I wish I could make a snowbeast!
On New Years Day, James and Thomas came to stay with Grandma and Grandpa. James told me that Grandma Ginny went to heaven, so we can’t visit her any more. The book I read says that heaven is a happy place. I’m glad Grandma Ginny got to enjoy her party before she went to heaven! Continue reading “Winter Without Snow”

Holidays with Friends and Family

Hi, everyone!
My next advent-ure was the Saturday before Christmas. Grandma and Grandpa took me and Thomas and James and their mommy to Tuba Christmas. We went early, so we could sit in our favorite place in the balcony. James and Thomas got the wigglies, so we left before the concert was over. Then we had snacks and played with Matchbox cars at Grandma and Grandpa’s house.

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Hi, everyone!
At Grandma and Grandma’s church, the four Sundays before Christmas are called Advent. That’s the time to get ready for Christmas and think about the Christmas story. I’ve been doing that, but I’m having other adventures, too! Last week, I got to talk to Karin-chan and Bill-kun on Skype. They played their piano recital pieces for me to hear! Then James came over for his first play day. He wanted to make sticky buns again! He and Grandpa played with the marble run, too. Grandma says the marble run was a Christmas present for James’ and Thomas’ daddy when he was about James’ age!
Continue reading “Advent-ures!”