Hi, everybody!
Yesterday was the day that some of Grandma’s former students came out to Sodus to make apple pies! I have some very good friends among the pie makers! Continue reading “Apple Pies!”
Category: My Adventures
Twenty-eight Hours with Moose-san
Hi, everyone!
This weekend, Joe-san and Nancy-san came to visit, and they brought Moose-san! I was glad to see him again! Joe-san had been shopping at the Public Market, and he found skinny eggplants — the kind we need to make ratatouille, just like in the movie! Continue reading “Twenty-eight Hours with Moose-san”
Apple Picking!
Hi, everyone!
It’s been a while since I wrote because I’ve been busy helping Grandma and Grandpa work on projects! Grandma made a Christmas stocking for Thomas to match the ones she and I made for Aunt Kara and James two years ago. Grandpa polished both of the cars. Doesn’t Grandma’s car look shiny? Continue reading “Apple Picking!”
Summer’s Almost Over!
Hi, everyone!
Two weeks ago, James and Thomas and their mommy and daddy flew to Europe. Grandma let me stay up the night they went, so I could track their flight on the computer. It was a very long trip! Now they’re staying at a hotel until their furniture catches up with them. Continue reading “Summer’s Almost Over!”
My Day at the Bay
Hi, everyone!
On Sunday I had lots of fun at the bay! In the morning, Grandma took me out in the kayak to see my flower friends in the wetlands. The rose mallows just started blooming last week, and they are very pretty right now. Continue reading “My Day at the Bay”
Play Places with James and Thomas!
Hi, everyone!
James and Thomas and their mommy and daddy came for a visit before they move to Europe. I gave Thomas a big hug right away when I saw him. He has grown a lot since the last time I saw him! Continue reading “Play Places with James and Thomas!”
Party Weekend!
Hi, everyone!
This was a party weekend! On Friday, Joe-san and Nancy-san and Moose-san came to visit me at the bay. Moose-san was really eager to find some aquatic weeds to eat, and he thinks water chestnuts are really tasty! Continue reading “Party Weekend!”
Summer Fun!
Hi, everyone!
Happy Fourth of July! Since we got back from visiting Thomas and James, I’ve been enjoying things that happen in early summer at Grandma and Grandpa’s! My friends the four leaf clovers are back at the end of the driveway. They’re short enough that they survive lawn mowing, so I can visit them as often as I like! Continue reading “Summer Fun!”
More Thomas and James!
Hi, everyone!
I’ve been spending more time with Thomas and James and James’ Lion! We’re all getting to know each other better! James’ Lion and I have breakfast with James every morning before he goes to day care.
Thomas and James!
Hi, everyone!
I’m in Virginia, visiting James and getting to know his new brother, Thomas! Thomas is really little — almost as small as me! When we first got here, he was asleep whenever he wasn’t hungry. Now, he’s beginning to open his eyes and stay awake so Monkey and I can play with him. Continue reading “Thomas and James!”