Hi, everyone!
Even though the weather has been really nice and warm, I can see signs that fall is coming! The Golden Delicious apples on our tree in Fairport are starting to turn a little bit yellow and the helium balloon that Karin had during her summer visit is running out of lift. Grandma got me up to watch sunrise last Saturday, and it wasn’t nearly as early as it was in June and July! When the sun comes up, it’s farther and farther to the south every day. Continue reading “Signs of Fall!”
Category: My Adventures
Walks with Trees!
Hi, everyone!
The weather last week and through Labor Day was very hot — the hottest days of the summer. Then on Wednesday we finally got some rain and now it feels like fall. On Tuesday, Grandma and I went to another park. Tinker Nature Center is in Henrietta, where Moose-san and Tilly live. We went at lunchtime and there was nobody else there! Continue reading “Walks with Trees!”
Out and About!
Hi, everyone!
There’s a lot to see at Sodus this time of year! The rose mallows and purple loosestrife are in full bloom in the wetlands. Grandma takes me out in the kayak to see them. We’ve had a lot of cloudy sunsets, too, and they are very pretty! And we have a neighborhood eagle! The bald eagle is spending a lot of time sitting on top of a tree at our next door neighbor’s house. We can hear the eagle calling “eek, eek” while it watches for fish to catch. Continue reading “Out and About!”
Doings and Goings!
Hi, everyone!
There’s been a lot going on the past two weeks! The first week of August, Grandma and I had something special planned for Bill-kun and Karin-chan every day after they got finished at Rochester Museum and Science Center day camp. On Tuesday, we went back to the Strong Museum for forty minutes just before it closed. That was long enough for Bill-kun and Karin-chan to spend the rest of the tokens their daddy had bought them on their last visit and cash out their winnings for prizes. Then we just had enough time to catch the very last carousel ride for the day! Continue reading “Doings and Goings!”
An Even Busier Week!
Hi, everyone!
We have had a lot of very busy days recently! Until today, the weather has been mostly very warm and sunny, with some very hot days the end of last week. On Wednesday, Karin-chan and I helped Grandpa make ginger ice cream after day camp. We put some chocolate mint cookie crumbs in, as well as ginger snap crumbs. After dinner, we played Frisbee in the back yard. Continue reading “An Even Busier Week!”
The Cousin Collection!
Hi, everyone!
Last week on Tuesday, Grandma and Grandpa and I went to the airport to meet Bill-kun and Karin-chan and their daddy! They had a very long flight from Tokyo to Washington DC, then a short flight from Washington to Rochester. I was really excited to see them! Continue reading “The Cousin Collection!”
Mid July Report
Hi, everyone!
Last week, the piano tuner came to tune Grandma’s piano and Uncle David’s piano. Grandma told him that James had lost a penny in between the keys of Grandma’s piano, so the tuner pulled out the keyboard to get it. Guess what? There were THREE pennies in the piano, plus an eraser and a plastic disk! Now the pianos will sound nice if they are played together! Continue reading “Mid July Report”
Family, Friends and Fireworks!
Hi, everyone!
After cousin Bev’s wedding last Saturday, Grandma and Grandpa and I stayed in Denver until Monday. Sunday morning, we went to Four Friends Kitchen for beignets and fried green tomatoes. On our way there, we discovered a farmer’s market. The vegetables were very colorful! We stayed over so we could visit one of Grandma’s friends on Sunday afternoon. Continue reading “Family, Friends and Fireworks!”
A Very Busy Week!
Hi, everyone!
We had a restful week after we got back from the Netherlands, but now it’s getting very busy again! The local strawberries are in season, so we’ve been eating strawberry shortcake for dessert while the ripe, sweet berries are available. They won’t last long! Continue reading “A Very Busy Week!”
Two More Playgrounds and a Propeller Plane
Hi, everyone!
We spent most of the rest of our time in Brunssum doing things within walking distance of Uncle Steven and Aunt Kara’s house. On Tuesday, I helped James build a castle with his Megablocks. Then we took a walk around the neighborhood. Continue reading “Two More Playgrounds and a Propeller Plane”