Mid July Report

Hi, everyone!
Last week, the piano tuner came to tune Grandma’s piano and Uncle David’s piano. Grandma told him that James had lost a penny in between the keys of Grandma’s piano, so the tuner pulled out the keyboard to get it. Guess what? There were THREE pennies in the piano, plus an eraser and a plastic disk! Now the pianos will sound nice if they are played together! Continue reading “Mid July Report”

Family, Friends and Fireworks!


Hi, everyone!
After cousin Bev’s wedding last Saturday, Grandma and Grandpa and I stayed in Denver until Monday. Sunday morning, we went to Four Friends Kitchen for beignets and fried green tomatoes. On our way there, we discovered a farmer’s market. The vegetables were very colorful! We stayed over so we could visit one of Grandma’s friends on Sunday afternoon. Continue reading “Family, Friends and Fireworks!”

A Tale of Two Playgrounds

Hi, everyone!
Guess what? Grandma and Grandpa and I are off on another adventure! On Friday afternoon, we were at the Rochester airport again. Our flight to Newark New Jersey was delayed over an hour because of thunderstorms and traffic, and I was afraid we would miss our connecting flight. But it turned out that flight was delayed leaving Newark, so we got there in time. That’s a good thing, because we were headed to Brussels, Belgium and there wasn’t another flight going until way later! Continue reading “A Tale of Two Playgrounds”

A Day (or Two) at the Bay

Hi, everyone!
This week Grandma and Grandpa took me to Sodus Bay twice! We slept over on Sunday and again on Friday! The azaleas and rhododendron looked really nice on Monday morning, and the deciduous azaleas smelled good, too! I’m glad I got to see them at the height of their bloom. It’s nice to know that the plants can grow back, even when the deer eat them! Continue reading “A Day (or Two) at the Bay”


Hi, everyone!
Since I last wrote, more of the spring flowers have bloomed. All the colors of crocus have blossomed in Grandma and Grandpa’s yard, and the daffodils and forsythia flowers are open, too! The weather was warm enough and dry enough that Grandpa got out and cut down the leaning tree in the backyard. I was a good helper with the saw and taking all the tree limbs to the road for the town to pick up.

Last weekend, we were able to get out in the yard at Sodus, too. The deer ate most of the leaves off the emerald euonymus shrubs, and some of the azalea branches, too! It looks like the very cold weather hurt the azaleas that the deer didn’t eat. Grandma says this happened before and the azaleas will grow back in time. Grandma and I took our first walk in the woods, but none of the wildflowers are up yet. I could hear a woodpecker, but I couldn’t see where it was! The sun was warm enough that I could lie outside and enjoy it!

On Sunday afternoon, Grandma took me to see my friends at Highland Park. First we went to the Poet’s Garden, because that’s where the earliest flowers bloom. The magnolia trees are just starting to open their buds, but my scilla and helleborus and daffodil flower friends were all open. I like the way the scilla grow right up through the grass of the lawn!

From the Poet’s Garden, we went on to the main part of Highland Park. Only a few of the magnolia trees are in bloom in the sunnier parts of the park, but they are very pretty! All my lilac friends are just beginning to open their leaves because we had such a long, cold winter. Guess what? I saw my groundhog friend again, in the same burrow among the roots of a big lilac bush where I found him three years ago! Grandma says we’ll come back for more visits in Highland Park when the tulips and magnolias and lilacs and azaleas are in bloom, but I think it’s a pretty place at this time of year, too! I especially liked the color of the trunk of this tree: I never noticed how pretty it was when the leaves were on it!

This morning, when I woke up, there was snow on the deck! Grandma and Grandpa’s niece Bev is getting married in June and wants haiku poems as wedding gifts, so Grandma and I have been practicing writing them. Here’s mine from this morning:
Amidst daffodils
Snowfall greets as morning comes.
Spring in Rochester!
