Into September!

Hi, everyone!

Grandma has been busy writing books about our cruise in June, so I haven’t had a lot of adventures this week! Mostly, we’ve been adjusting to fall routines!

The weekend after we got back from Kirkland was Labor Day weekend — the end of summer! Uncle Steven’s family came out to the bay. James and Thomas spent a lot of time on electronics and videos. Remember when Grandma and I made a huge batch of party mix and I wondered if it would last all summer? It did! Grandma got the last jar of it out of the freezer for the weekend.

When we went to the Point to watch sunset, we saw fireworks set up on the lighthouse pier! We had forgotten that Sodus Point does end of summer fireworks as well as Fourth of July ones! They are an hour earlier than in July, so Grandma didn’t take the time to set up a tripod for the camera. We just went down to the dock and watched! The bay was very calm, so we had nice reflections.

James and Thomas did some tubing on Saturday, but they didn’t want to go out on Sunday morning. Grandma suggested they go Sunday after dinner, when it was nice and calm. It’s a good thing they did, because Labor Day Monday started with a cold front moving in. It was chilly and the water was very choppy!

Thomas’ school started on Wednesday. He wanted to know how ice cream is made, so Grandma and I invited him over on Tuesday to make ice cream base. Then we used the leftover egg whites to make sticky chocolate cookies to go with the ice cream! Thomas did a good job of drying all the dishes when we were done. He was going to come back over later to churn the ice cream, once the base had chilled, but he fell asleep at home instead!

Grandma and I churned the ice cream on Wednesday morning and took it over to Thomas’ house so he could have some right after school. James’ school didn’t start till Thursday, and he said he wanted a first day treat, too! So Thursday morning, Grandma and I made cookies for him!

We made five dozen cookies and took them over before James got home on Thursday.

On Friday, Grandma and Grandpa took me out to the bay. It was sunny and fairly calm on Friday afternoon, so Grandma took me for a kayak paddle to Clark Creek. The water level is getting lower, and the water plants are starting to turn brown and wither. Some of the trees are starting to turn fall colors, too!

It was nice and sunny while we were out, but Grandma could see a storm front coming in. We got home with a little time to spare, but then it started to rain really hard! We couldn’t even see across the bay!

Just before sunset, the sun peeked out of the clouds and we had a nice rainbow!

Last Sunday, all our fall activities were back. We celebrated James and Thomas first week of school with a pizza dinner. We had some of Thomas’ ice cream and sticky cookies for dessert. James told me that all but two of the cookies we took over to him Thursday are gone! Grandma says he’ll have to wait a while before he gets any more!



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