
Hi, everyone!

It’s been busy around here! Everybody has been working on at least one project!

Grandpa finished his project to replace the shower valve in the master bathroom! He had to open up the wall behind it in the front bedroom and cut the old valve and pipes out. After he did that, I could see right into the shower! Then he put in the new valve and attached it to the water pipes. The last thing he did was install an access hatch in the bedroom wall. If he needs to fix anything in the shower, he won’t have to cut another hole in the wall. The new shower valve controls the water temperature much better!

Grandma has been crocheting more baby blankets! She was going to a meeting at the University, so she packed up all the ones she’d made recently to take with her. One of her teacher friends took them to the neonatal intensive care unit for her. She started another one, and Grandpa thought I needed a crown while we all sat together and watched television! Grandma and I made a new batch of party mix, since the summer batch was all used up!

Grandma has been teaching Thomas how to make ice cream! Of course, that means making sticky cookies, too! He came over on a Saturday to make the ice cream base and the sticky cookies, then on Sunday he came back to churn the ice cream. Grandma was starting an AWACS cheesecake, so there was a chocolate ganache container to lick out. We had Thomas’ cinnamon ice cream and sticky cookies for Sunday dinner dessert. They were yummy!

I had a big project, too! Even with my new vest, I was having trouble holding my head up. When I did my upside-down asana, I couldn’t get enough of my stuffing to come back into my neck! Grandma asked me if I wanted more stuffing, and I said “Yes, please!” Grandma had been saving old nylon stockings for stuffing projects, and she used a nice one for me! She was very careful opening my underarm seam, and it didn’t hurt at all! After my stuffing procedure was over, I could hold my head up without any help from my vest!

A week ago today, we had choir rehearsal at our house! That happens whenever there is a Jewish holiday that involves Wednesday evening, because we host a Jewish reformed congregation in our church building. On Wednesday morning, Grandma took the choir music back to church. We stopped at Powers Farm Market to see the pumpkins on our way back. Grandma and I like to go on a weekday morning when it’s not too crowded.

After I visited all the pumpkins, I stopped to see the farm animals and go into the teepee. I made more jack o’lantern friends there! I made sure to say goodbye to all my new friends before we left.

After lunch, I had another adventure! Grandma took me to the Rochester Museum and Science Center to see the Animal Super Powers exhibit! All the super powers were illustrated with giant Lego creations!

I got to measure my height in Lego blocks and do some Lego building, too! After I got my Lego photo op, I looked at a diorama with a title I really liked! Then I stopped at the water exhibit climber. It was a sunny day, so Grandma took me outside to the RMSC gardens and Shining Star Way. There’s a brick in memory of Uncle Bill there!

We had periods of nice weather last weekend when we were at the bay, but there was rain, too. The water level is getting even lower. More of the beaver dam remains in Clark Creek are above water. Grandma grounded her kayak on mud flats twice when she paddled there, and she knows where the channel is! There are more mushrooms growing on our tree. Grandma sent a photo of them to an on-line expert, so we know what kind they are now. The leaves are just starting to turn color.

Yesterday, Grandma and I did another fall project. We made a vat of curried butternut squash and pear soup! We have church friends who really love it. Grandma hoped that she could get them to visit by making some, and it worked! Now we both have a supply to enjoy!



2 thoughts on “Projects!”

  1. So glad Lion-san’s neck surgery was successful!

    Lego pandas are cute. I’ve seen many videos of panda antics. So fun the way they play and tumble and slide and climb. Neat exhibit made of legos. Fun facts about animals.

    I wonder how many lego bricks tall I am. Definitely not as tall as I used to be by a few inches.

    Immersion blenders for soup making are the BEST invention since sliced bread.

    Great Aunt Betsy

    We have a lovely warty pumpkin for shelf outside our entry door. I thin it is neat. Some people think it is ugly. Didn’t see any like ours at your pumpkin place.

  2. Lion San, busy as usual. Did you choose a pumpkin when you went to Powers? Thanks for the picture of the inside of the teepee . We’ve never been inside.
    You look so much happier with your new body. I hope you had good nursing care.
    Good to share your adventures.
    Love LaVache and Charlie’s Grandma

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