Flowers, Continued!

Hi, everyone! Now we’re having some very warm days — the warmest so far this year! That kept me busy visiting all my flower friends while they were blooming!

When Grandma and Grandpa took me to the bay last Sunday, the water was even warming up! That made fog on the bay in the middle of the day!

I thought some of my azalea friends would be in full bloom, and they were! The two azaleas that lose their leaves over the winter had lots of fragrant blossoms! I was happy to see the red azalea on the north side of the house looking just as healthy in bloom as the one on the south side of the house! My rhododendron friend wasn’t quite in full bloom yet, and neither were the white azaleas. The Mothers Day azaleas were just starting to bloom, even though Mothers Day was a week before!

I always like to eat a meal on the porch when the red azalea next to it is in full bloom! It was too breezy to do that for dinner.

Sunday evening we went to the Point to watch sunset. The sun set into clouds, but the colors were pretty! On Monday it was too cold to eat breakfast on the porch, but we stayed for lunch. I got to eat next to my blooming azalea friend!

On the way back to town on Monday, Grandma stopped to buy impatiens for the window box in front of where I sit. I helped her plant them, then Grandpa hooked up the automatic system to keep them watered. Grandma spread coffee grounds and animal repellant around them so they don’t get eaten!

On Tuesday, Grandma took me back to Highland Park to see more of my flower friends! We always stay away during the Lilac Festival, so I knew most of my lilac friends would be past bloom. The cherry trees in the glen were completely green and leafy. I made some new flower friends, but there were only a few lilacs still in bloom. My Sensation lilac friend only had one tiny blossom left!

Grandma thought the peonies and buckeyes might be in bloom, so we walked past the magnolia grove to see. The pink peonies that were starting to bloom last time we visited the park were all gone, but there were some other colors still blooming. The buckeye trees with white blossoms were in bloom, but the pink ones still weren’t open.

Guess what? When we looked in our favorite groundhog burrow, the groundhog was there!

The rhododendrons were blooming in the gully, but the azaleas were past bloom. It’s warmer on the sunny side of a hill in the city than it is at the bay!

Before we left the park, I made friends with a beauty bush and a clump dogwood. When we got home, I was happy to see our backyard rhododendron was blooming. Something ate off all its leaves the winter before last, so I’m happy to see any blooms at all!



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