When we got back from Hawaii, we had some warm days ! The first daffodils and crocuses started to bloom.
I got outside to see some of my crocus friends, even the ones coming up where they weren’t planted!
On the Saturday before St. Patrick’s Day, we went to the Cumming Nature Center pancake breakfast with Uncle Steven’s family. There was no snow on the ground at all, and it wasn’t muddy, either! We got there a little before breakfast was served, so I said hello to my friends in the visitor center lobby.
When breakfast was ready, we sat at Table 17, just like last year! The pancakes were served buffet style this year, instead of family style, so we all stood in line to get ours. They were yummy! The Nature Center uses the same kind of pancake mix that Grandma uses for waffles at the bay. Of course there was lots of maple syrup! This year, the interpreters were out on the maple trail a half hour earlier than last year, so when we finished breakfast they were ready for James and Thomas!
James and Thomas got to drill the first holes in the logs at the sap tapping station. The sap bucket on the maple tree there was almost full! At the sap science station, Thomas and I learned about the growth layer just under the bark where trees make new cells.
James and Thomas were ready to help the interpreter at the native peoples station tell the legend of maple sap, just like last year. This year, there was a surprise! Two of the interpreter’s students were helping. They were members of native tribes and came dressed in their tribal clothing! I made friends with a member of the Mohawk nation. The interpreter was just starting a fire when we were there.
When James and Thomas got to the pioneer station, they picked up their yokes and buckets right away! After they each made a trip around the pioneer cabin, they gave me rides, too!
Our last stop was the sugar shack! There was lots of steam coming out of the evaporator! James and Thomas got samples of maple syrup while I looked at the signs. Then we had a nice hike back to the parking lot!
Grandma and Grandpa took me out to the bay Sunday afternoon to stay overnight. When we got up on Monday, there was a little bit of snow on the deck benches. On Tuesday morning there was snow on the ground in Fairport, but it melted by the afternoon. Wednesday was the first day of spring, and we had another melty snow. The forsythia blossoms were covered with snow!
Wednesday night we had another snowstorm that mostly melted on Thursday. Then, on Friday, it started snowing again! This time we got six inches of snow! We had a couple of very cold nights, so I hope the daffodil buds aren’t frozen! It’s supposed to get warmer again this week. Maybe now the snow will really be over!
Table 17 for St. Patrick’s Day is so fitting. Unless all the tables were numbered 17!!???
I figured you are getting more snow today, 3-23. We had freezing rain over night and all the trees were coated with a bit of ice as we drove to Poughkeepsie for Romeo and Juliet in the pouring rain but no longer freezing rain. How much did you get today in the way of snow or did it go north and west of you? Betsy