Azaleas and Peonies and Projects! (and another water level report)

Hi, everyone!

For Mothers Day, Uncle David’s family and Uncle Steven’s family sent Grandma flowers! Uncle Steven’s flowers came as a “do it yourself” bouquet, so I helped Grandma make it. I was a good helper cutting the stems of each rose so it could drink up fresh water and flower food. All the flowers stayed pretty for over a week!

The Monday after Mothers Day, we went out to the bay just for the afternoon.  The first thing I did was check the water level –  it was up to the first step from the deck to the stair landing!  Then I helped Grandpa take the deer fencing down from around the rhododendron.  We had to be careful not to roll up some leaves and flower buds with the fencing, but we did it!  Then I helped Grandma put a divider in the herb garden.  There were a lot of mint plants that were trying to take over the half where the basil needs to be planted!  We pulled their long runners out all the way back to where they’re supposed to stay, then we put a border fence down the middle.  I was a good helper with pulling and raking!

When we got back to Fairport, I did some gardening there, too!  Dandelions are my favorite flower, but Grandpa doesn’t like to have them in the lawn.  Grandma said I could dig the stray dandelions in the front lawn up and make a pile.  She showed me how to cut through the root and pop them out of the ground without disturbing the grass around them!  Then I took time to visit with the azaleas and daffodils in the back yard in Fairport.  They are very pretty!

Tuesday was James’ fifth birthday.  Grandma and I Skyped with him to sing Happy Birthday and watch him blow out the candles on his cake.  Aunt Kara made him a very nice cake and James said it was yummy!

Last weekend, we had company out at the bay!  Joe-san and Nancy-san brought Moose-san and Tilly out to visit!  I was really happy they were coming in time to see all the azalea blossoms!  It was too cold to have a meal on the porch next to the big red azalea, but it was in full bloom!  Of course I had to take Moose-san and Tilly downstairs right away so they could see how high the water was.  It was only a little deeper than when we had been there the Monday before, so maybe it won’t get much higher!  Moose-san was disappointed there weren’t any aquatic weeds to eat yet!  After that, I showed them the work we did on the herb garden.  They thought Grandma and I found a good way to keep the mint from taking over everywhere!

Moose-san and Tilly liked all the azaleas that are starting to bloom at the bay, too!

Friday evening was cloudy, so there wasn’t any sunset to watch.  We went up to the Point, anyway, so Moose-san and Tilly could see how high the water was there.  Most of the beach is under water, and the water level is so close to the top of the pier that nobody is allowed to walk there right now!

Saturday, we all Facetimed Thomas to wish him a happy birthday!  We watched him open his presents.  Grandma and Grandpa gave him a new book about me, and James gave him a sword and shield!

Yesterday, Grandma took me back to Highland Park, so I could see my flower friends that weren’t in bloom on my last visit.  The Lilac Festival is over now, but some of my lilac friends are still in bloom.  I made a bunny friend, too!  Guess what?  Grandma and I found another Sensation lilac bush high up on the hill that we hadn’t noticed before.  Those are my favorite lilacs, so I’m glad there’s more than one Sensation bush at Highland Park.

After we looked at the lilacs, we visited the pansy bed.  Then Grandma took me to the azalea and rhododendron plantings.  They bloom after the lilacs and they are very pretty right now!  I was very polite and didn’t tell the red azalea that its cousin at the bay had more blossoms!  Then I said hello to the lilac-painted fire hydrant!

On the other end of Highland Park, just about all my magnolia friends have dropped their flower blossoms and opened lots of green leaves.  Now, though, the buckeyes and peonies are blooming instead! I made lots of new flower friends!  When we got home from the park, the rhododendron in Fairport was starting to bloom!  I’m so happy the Fairport deer didn’t  eat the rhododendron flower buds last winter!

Grandpa has started a new project in Fairport!  He’s going to build a firewall between the garage and the house!  That means finding places for everything he stores in the garage while he works!  He bought some new metal shelving and started moving everything!  After he puts up the fire-resistant wallboard, Grandma will finish the seams.  She says I can help!




One thought on “Azaleas and Peonies and Projects! (and another water level report)”

  1. The Mother’s day flowers were really pretty! We all had a fun time at Sodus Bay and enjoyed seeing the Azalea flowers. It is nice you got to see Highland Park again and all the lilacs. It seems early for peonies though, but maybe ours are so far behind because they are in the shade all day.

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