…and Thaw and Freeze and Thaw …

Hi, everyone!

The weather is still going back and forth between warm and cold!   It was warm enough that Grandma and I started pruning the apple trees in Fairport.  Even though we pruned all the apple trees last year, there was still a lot of pruning to do!  We got two and a half trees pruned before it got cold again!  Continue reading “…and Thaw and Freeze and Thaw …”

Freeze and Thaw and Freeze and Thaw ….

Hi, everyone!

The January weather has gone back and forth between well below freezing to enough above freezing to melt everything!  Right after New Years, we had enough cold weather so that Sodus Bay froze over.  Grandma wasn’t sure how thick the ice was, so we just looked at the frozen bay from the dock. Continue reading “Freeze and Thaw and Freeze and Thaw ….”