More Japan Adventures!

Hi, everyone!

Tuesday, after the earthquake, we met Uncle David and Aunt Emi in the lobby of our hotel.  It is on the 20th floor of the building and has big windows to see around the city! Joe-san wanted to go to Kappabashi-dori to look for cooking equipment, so that’s where we went first.  We had to take a train and two subway lines to get there!  Continue reading “More Japan Adventures!”


Hi, everyone!

Moose-san and I are on a big adventure with Grandma and Grandpa and Joe-san and Nancy-san.  We are in Japan visiting Uncle David’s family!  The flight from O’Hare to Narita was thirteen hours long, and then we took a bus to Tama Center.  The rush hour traffic was heavy in Tokyo, so that bus ride was another three and a half hours.  We were really tired when Uncle David’s family met us at the bus stop!  Our hotel was right across the street from the bus stop and Bill-kun and Karin-chan helped us check in. Continue reading “Japan!”