The First Half of August!

Hi, everyone!

Since the cousins left, I’ve been helping Grandma and Grandpa catch up on things!  The kitchen faucet in Fairport was leaking and couldn’t be repaired.  Grandpa had to replace it.  I made sure he put the hot and cold water handles in the proper places!

The Saturday after the cousins left, we went back out to Sodus.  I helped Grandma wash all the sheets and towels and put everything away.  On Sunday, we finally had our first sail of the season in the Javelin!  The wind got stronger while we were sailing and there were lots of whitecap waves on the bay!   Grandpa is a good sailor and he made sure it didn’t get too scary or wet for me in the bow of the boat!  When we went to watch sunset, there were still a lot of waves on the lake!  On Monday, it was calmer and Grandma kayaked all the way up to the lake at Charles Point.  There’s been a breach in the sand bar since a big storm in April and waves from the lake can come into the bay.  Grandma wanted to see if she could kayak through the breach, but the water is too shallow.

On Tuesday, I helped Grandma with a bunch of errands for Aunt Kara.  First, we went over to Grandma Ginny’s house so Saints’ Place could pick up some furniture to help out newly arrived refugees.  Grandma Ginny’s house is empty now, except for the furniture in the garage.  I made sure there was room on the truck for everything!  Then Grandma and I returned the car seats Aunt Kara borrowed for James and Thomas to use while they were here.  After that, we dropped off extra baby equipment to Miss Bev, who babysat for James and Thomas last year.  Thomas isn’t a baby any more, so we don’t need it!

On the way back from Grandma Ginny’s house, Grandma and I stopped at Potter Place in Fairport.  That’s where the Memorial Day parade ends every year. The veterans’ memorial there has been rebuilt since the last time I went to a Memorial Day service there!  Grandma and Grandpa bought a brick in memory of Uncle Bill that was just installed.  I saw some other familiar names before I found Uncle Bill’s brick.  I like that it’s right by the Air Force pillar of the memorial!

We had lots of very hot sunny days last week!  Grandpa didn’t want to do a lot of work fixing the sag in the back decking in Fairport, but he did cut the access hatch for the clothes dryer vent.  I helped him make sure the pieces lined up with the rest of the deck!  Then I helped Grandma get a meal ready to take to a  family of church friends with extra health concerns right now.  We wrapped up Grandma’s special artichoke and lemon basil flavored manicotti in newspaper and put it in a basket so it stayed warm for the delivery trip!

On Saturday, my Ground Hog Day cookie packing friend, Katie-san, had her high school graduation party.  Katie-san has a brand new tiger friend! The tiger was waiting in the salad dressing shelves at Wegman’s grocery store when Katie-san met him, so she named him Caesar.  Grandma took me to the party so I could meet Caesar!  Katie-san asked for items for the Penfield Food Pantry instead of presents and I helped Grandma make up a bag.  Then we picked up my baking friend Mady-san from work, so she could go to the party, too!  I had fun at the party!  Mady-san helped me find the pizza, and there was a yummy cake, and Caesar and I made friends!

On Sunday, we had company at Sodus!  Kathy-san and Jack-san used to be my choir and New Years Eve buddies until they moved to North Carolina.  They are back visiting and came out for the afternoon and dinner.  It was good to see them again!  At the end of their visit, we all drove up to Sodus Point to watch the sun set.  There were clouds and I wasn’t sure there would be a sunset at all!  It turned out to be a very pretty end to a very nice week!



One thought on “The First Half of August!”

  1. It was great that you helped move everything out of Grandma Ginny’s place. Then you helped grandpa fix the dryer vent and kitchen faucet. It is good you had some fun times sailing, graduation party and visiting with choir friends that have moved away.

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