End of August Report

Hi, everyone!

It’s been very hot, but we have had a few days when it was cool enough for Grandma and Grandpa to work outside on projects.  I helped Grandpa finish leveling the back deck in Fairport.  I had to pull down on the board very hard to lever up the support beams!  The baby rabbit came back to inspect our work on the deck, but it’s not a baby any more!  At Sodus, Grandma scrubbed the deck and the stairs to the boathouse so that she could restain them. Continue reading “End of August Report”

Goodbye July … and the Cousins!

Hi, everyone!

While James was at Peacemakers and Bill-kun and Karin-chan were at Allendale-Columbia Day Camp, Grandma and Thomas made another batch of party mix for his daddy.  Of course, Thomas had to eat some to make sure it tasted OK!  Uncle David gave Thomas a piano lesson.  After Peacemakers, James showed me how he plays his drum set. Continue reading “Goodbye July … and the Cousins!”