James and Thomas … and Karin and Bill!

Hi, everyone!

James really likes boats — building them out of Legos and riding in them!  The first Saturday after he got here, we went out to Sodus so he could take a ride in Grandpa’s boat.  Both he and Thomas got a chance to drive the boat with Grandpa’s help.  Grandma said they were the steering committee!  The weather was nice, so we had lunch on the porch.  Then Aunt Kara lined up all the Matchbox cars by color and James counted them all! Continue reading “James and Thomas … and Karin and Bill!”

James and Thomas!

Hi, everyone!  Last week I was very busy getting ready for James and Thomas and their mommy to come visit!  First, Grandpa and I finished putting the railing on the back deck in Fairport.  It looks very nice!  We had to get that done so we could pick up all the tools Grandpa was using in the family room.  Grandma said it wasn’t a good idea to let Thomas play with drills and saw blades! Continue reading “James and Thomas!”