Winter WITH Snow – Some Places!

Hi, everyone!

Right after I wrote last time, we did get some snow in Fairport. It was very cold! Grandma said the snow was too dry for me to make a snow beast, so I just looked at it from inside. It was very pretty in the afternoon sunshine! Because it was so cold, Grandpa said it was time to drain the plumbing at Sodus. When it gets really cold, pipes that are full of water can freeze and break! Then when it gets warmer, there’s water all over the place!

Grandma said she wanted to learn how to drain the plumbing, so she asked Grandpa to write her instructions as a Christmas present. I helped Grandma follow the instructions! After the water was turned off, Grandpa told us to put antifreeze in all the drains, including the toilets! I got to turn off the last valve that separates the house plumbing from the water supply! When we got back to Fairport, it was a little warmer, so Grandma said we could try making a snow beast. We made a snow moose! Moose-san said it looked just like his grandfather visiting in a snow storm!

On Monday, Grandma and Grandpa got me up VERY early! We picked up Moose-san and Joe-san and Nancy-san and went to the airport to start an adventure! First, we flew to Chicago. There was snow on the ground there! We had breakfast in Chicago, then we took another plane to Los Angeles. There was snow in the mountains and the high desert. After we had our lunch, we could look out the window to see the pretty colors of the southwestern desert. There was only a little snow there! When we landed in Los Angeles, there was no snow at all! Our last flight was from Los Angeles to Hawaii. Moose-san and I had a seat all to ourselves! There were clouds over the ocean, and after the sun went down we had to fly around a big thunderstorm. The clouds lit up with lots of lightning! When we landed in Kauai, it was very late but it felt like summer. Definitely no snow here!

Yesterday morning, we all had breakfast on the balcony. Then Moose-san and I helped Nancy-san with her knitting until it was time for the stores to open. After we went shopping for the supplies we’ll need for our visit, we all took a walk to Poipu Beach. Moose-san and I saw lots of pretty flowers on our way!

The ocean report was for heavy surf, so Grandpa said it would be a good day to go to Spouting Horn. Some of the water spouts from the blowhole were very big and noisy! Poipu is on the protected side of the island away from the heaviest winter surf, but there were still some big waves at Brennecke’s Beach when we watched the sun go down. It was bedtime for Moose-san and me before the sky glow completely faded.

This morning, we took our first walk of this trip to Makahuena Point. We were hoping to see whales, and we saw our first whale spouts right away! There were even some whales making big splashes as they jumped out of the water! Then we walked to the turtle cove, and there were four turtles swimming in the surf there! One of them was the biggest one I have ever seen!

After that, we walked to Shipwreck Beach. Guess what? There were TWO monk seals on the beach! Grandpa says we hit the tourist trifecta on our very first try!

For lunch, we went to Puka Dogs. I was looking forward to seeing my hula girl sign friend, but she wasn’t there any more! There’s a new sign to help you order, and the Puka Dog stand has moved out of the line of shops and onto the sidewalk. The lemonade and Puka Dogs are still yummy!


One thought on “Winter WITH Snow – Some Places!”

  1. It was great seeing the whales, turtles and the monk seals. Moose-san was impressed with seeing them. We liked the puka dogs too. We are looking forward to the next adventures. Meanwhile Moose-san will be working on his typing skills. Hoofs don’t work as well as fingers.

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