
Hi, everyone!
At Grandma and Grandma’s church, the four Sundays before Christmas are called Advent. That’s the time to get ready for Christmas and think about the Christmas story. I’ve been doing that, but I’m having other adventures, too! Last week, I got to talk to Karin-chan and Bill-kun on Skype. They played their piano recital pieces for me to hear! Then James came over for his first play day. He wanted to make sticky buns again! He and Grandpa played with the marble run, too. Grandma says the marble run was a Christmas present for James’ and Thomas’ daddy when he was about James’ age!
Continue reading “Advent-ures!”

Holidays and Friends

Hi, everyone!
We had a little bit of snow for one day just before Thanksgiving, but it melted right away! Since then, the weather has been very warm for this time of year. Yesterday it was 50 degrees F. during the day and it might be even warmer next Saturday!

This time of year there are lots of holidays and gatherings with friends and remembering times. On Thanksgiving, Grandma and Grandpa and I had dinner with Joe-san and Nancy-san and Moose-san and Tilly. I helped Grandma make the apple pie we always bring. We had enough apples off our own trees in Fairport to make three pies, so we took one of those. Our Golden Delicious apples make especially yummy pies! This was Tilly’s first Thanksgiving with us, so she didn’t know what to expect. We liked all the food: from Joe-san’s pumpkin ravioli appetizer right through to the apple pie and Nancy-san’s traditional steamed plum pudding! Continue reading “Holidays and Friends”