Really Fall Now!

Hi, everyone!
There’s no question now that it’s fall! We even had snow on October 18. It didn’t last, but when I woke up that day there was snow on the benches on the back deck!

Last Sunday was pie making day at Grandma and Grandpa’s church. I made sure I got to go help! Seventy people worked, mostly peeling and slicing apples. I was happy to see some of my apple picking friends again! Moose-san came too! He especially liked the apple peeling machines. We made sure that the apple slices were just the right size to go into the pies!  Continue reading “Really Fall Now!”

Niagara Falls!

Hi, everyone!
We took a trip to Niagara Falls this week! Grandma says that Niagara Falls is one of the most famous places for people from other countries to visit. It’s only 90 miles away, but I hadn’t been there yet! Grandma and Grandpa visited Niagara Falls in 1969 and they don’t recall being there any time since! At Niagara Falls, all the water that drains out of the upper Great Lakes and Lake Erie goes into the Niagara River on the way to Lake Ontario. Continue reading “Niagara Falls!”