Mid July Report

Hi, everyone!
Last week, the piano tuner came to tune Grandma’s piano and Uncle David’s piano. Grandma told him that James had lost a penny in between the keys of Grandma’s piano, so the tuner pulled out the keyboard to get it. Guess what? There were THREE pennies in the piano, plus an eraser and a plastic disk! Now the pianos will sound nice if they are played together! Continue reading “Mid July Report”

Family, Friends and Fireworks!


Hi, everyone!
After cousin Bev’s wedding last Saturday, Grandma and Grandpa and I stayed in Denver until Monday. Sunday morning, we went to Four Friends Kitchen for beignets and fried green tomatoes. On our way there, we discovered a farmer’s market. The vegetables were very colorful! We stayed over so we could visit one of Grandma’s friends on Sunday afternoon. Continue reading “Family, Friends and Fireworks!”