Summer Fun!

Hi, everyone!
Happy Fourth of July! Since we got back from visiting Thomas and James, I’ve been enjoying things that happen in early summer at Grandma and Grandpa’s! My friends the four leaf clovers are back at the end of the driveway. They’re short enough that they survive lawn mowing, so I can visit them as often as I like! I helped Grandma plant the window box and hanging basket with impatients.  Don’t they look pretty?  And Moose-san sent me a postcard from Maine! I love getting mail from my friends!

It’s strawberry season, and the local berries are much yummier than any other kind! Grandma and Grandpa and I have strawberry shortcake for dessert as often as we can before the season is over. It’s a good time for other plants, too. Look at how much the azalea at Sodus that the deer ate this winter has grown back! Grandma got me a new azalea friend, and I helped her plant it. Grandma says next winter we’ll protect all the azaleas better, so the deer don’t eat them again. I hope my new azalea friend likes where we put it!

Some of the trees at Sodus do special things this time of year. The cottonwood trees have so much fiber on them that even the lawn gets fuzzy! Grandpa has to wait to clean the screens on the porch until the cottonwoods stop shedding! The catalpa tree next door has lots of blossoms! Most of them are way up high, but when they drop on the ground I can see how pretty they are. We’ve had cloudy sunsets, but they are pretty, too!

The fireworks display for Sodus Point was held last night. Grandma let me stay up extra late so I could watch it. We get a good view by sitting on our dock. Some of the neighbors light flares to make a “ring of fire” around the bay before the fireworks start. When the fireworks go off, we see them before we hear them, because we’re three miles away. Grandma’s new camera has a special setting for taking fireworks pictures, and it really works!

At the end of the fireworks show, lots of fireworks go off at the same time. Grandma says that’s called the “grand finale”. They are so bright that they reflect on the water in the bay! I really liked seeing them, and Grandma likes that we don’t have to drive anywhere to do it!

Grandma says I can stay up late again tonight to watch another set of fireworks on TV. That’s the set from Washington DC, and Thomas and James will be watching them in person! They can see them from the lawn of the Air Force Memorial. I’m happy they have fireworks to watch within walking distance, too!

One thought on “Summer Fun!”

  1. We like where you helped Grandma put your new azalea bush! Moose-san is staying up late tonight to watch fireworks too but he doesn’t like the big bangs so we drive up behind our house to see fireworks from Rochester, Brighton as well as Henrietta. Joe-san picked strawberries where you helped pick a few years ago. Boy are they good!!!!!!!!!!! The fireworks pictures really came out great.

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