A Long Weekend with James!

Hi, everyone!
Last Friday Uncle Steven and Aunt Kara brought James out to Sodus for the weekend! James brought his lion, and we’re getting to be good friends! After lunch, we all took a ride to Burnap’s Farm Market. While Grandma and Aunt Kara bought heirloom tomatoes and melons and lettuce, we lions and Uncle Steven and James went to the wooden train in the play area. Continue reading “A Long Weekend with James!”

Nikko and Skytree!

Hi everyone!
We had a busy week! On Monday, we took the train to go to Nikko, up in the mountains. We had to get up very early and walk to the local train station to get to Shinjuku on time for our Nikko train! We bought breakfast food at Shinjuku to eat on the Nikko train. Guess what? Bill-kun’s loose front tooth finally came out while we were on the train! Continue reading “Nikko and Skytree!”

A Big Trip!

Hi, everyone!

Grandma and Grandpa and I are in Japan, visiting Bill-kun and Karin-chan and their mommy and daddy.  Bill-kun really likes Cheerios, but they aren’t sold in Japan.  So Grandpa bought six big boxes to take to him!  And Grandma bought some American chocolate for Bill-kun’s other grandma.  I was a good helper packing up the gifts to carry on the airplane.  Continue reading “A Big Trip!”