Springtime Walks

Hi, everyone!
It’s FINALLY spring here, for sure! We have a new fence to replace the old one that was falling down. I was a good helper and made sure the rails were put into the posts just right! Lots of my spring flower and shrub friends at Grandma and Grandpa’s house have started to bloom. Grandma and Grandpa took me out to Sodus a week ago, and we had a very pretty sunset. Continue reading “Springtime Walks”

Holy Week

Hi, everyone!
Yesterday was Easter, but today it’s snowing again! I don’t think that is a very nice April Fools trick for the weather to play on us!
We’ve just finished a very special week for Grandma and Grandpa’s church. Holy Week starts with Palm Sunday and ends with Easter. Grandma says Holy Week reminds us that love is more powerful than politics or even death. Continue reading “Holy Week”