A Very Long Thanksgiving

Hi, Everyone!
The day after shichi-go-san, Bill-kun and Karin-chan both had full days of school. So their mommy and daddy took Grandma and Grandpa and me sightseeing. First, we went to Kappabashi street. That’s where all the stores that sell supplies for restaurants are located. One store had a really big supply of cookie cutters. Continue reading “A Very Long Thanksgiving”


Hi, Everyone!
Grandma and Grandpa brought me to Japan! Grandma says this is really my new home, because Bill-kun and Karin-chan live here now. The flight to Tokyo is very long! The sun was just coming up on Thursday when we left Rochester, but it was Friday evening when we finally got to the Tokyo airport. Bill-kun and Karin-chan’s daddy met us there and helped us take the train to our hotel. Continue reading “Shichi-Go-San!”

Busy New Week

Hi, Everyone!
There’s been a lot going on here since Sunday! When I wrote last, the pianos were in the dining room and the carpet installers had put the new carpet in the living room, leaving the part that goes in the dining room in a roll where the rooms meet. On Monday, the movers came to pick up the pianos and carry them across that roll. The movers are very strong! Continue reading “Busy New Week”

Raking and Baking

Hi, Everyone!
The leaves are still falling in Grandma and Grandpa’s yard. The town leaf vacuum has already come twice, and Grandma and Grandpa have another leaf pile ready for when they come again. Until they come, Grandma and Grandpa just keep adding leaves to the pile. Look how big it is now! And look how many more leaves fell since yesterday, when Grandma and Grandpa raked the back yard clean! Continue reading “Raking and Baking”