More Cruise Stories

Hi, Everyone!

The past two days we’ve continued cruising on the Main river.  “Main” comes from a Celtic word meaning “snake”, because the river curves around so much.

Yesterday, Grandma and Grandpa took me on a walk in Wuerzburg in the morning.  We went to the “new” residence of the prince-bishops, built in the 1700s. Continue reading “More Cruise Stories”

Cruising Down the River

Hi, everyone!

Now I am on a big river boat cruising on the Main-Danube canal and the Main river in Germany.  The Amacello is as big as a hotel.  Their gangplank even has a red carpet on it to make me feel welcome, although the first step was a big one for a little lion.  Everybody is very nice and I am making lots of friends.  Continue reading “Cruising Down the River”